Today's interesting death event part 1

Transitus Open Day
Transitus is a growing national network of people with deep concern for the care and well-being of those approaching the End of LifeRegistration 9.30 for 10.00 am ? 7.30pmThe day will include talks, discussions,and rehearsed reading of the play?Home Death? by Nell Dunn Presented byThe Martinsey Isle Trust and Taboo Amateur TheatreLimited space ? booking advisedCost: ?15.00 ? the dayBookings, food orders & travel instructions contact:Jean Francis, 28 Depot Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5HARegistered charity no. 1135600Transitus is a group of people with a deep concern for the care and well-being of those approaching the End of LifeSaturday 23rd March 2013 ? 10.00 am ? 8.00 pm. You are invited to the first Transitus meeting in Sussex: an opportunity for networking and to see what is available to help the dying and bereaved. Transitus is a network comprised of a growing group of people working in a way that honours all aspects of life - mind, body, spirit and emotions - who are involved with the sacred process of dying. The aim of Transitus being; to release the fear and taboo surrounding death; support those dying and help the bereaved; raise awareness of ?green? and family based approaches to death encouraging the acceptance of the concept of the continuity of consciousness. This it achieves through local gatherings for members only and events or ?festivals? for members and the public alike. The Network also supports its members so that none of us feels alone in this sometimes isolating work. The meeting will include a rehearsed reading of the play ?Home Death? by Nell Dunn, presented by The Martinsey Isle Trust and Taboo Amateur Theatre Company. Tickets for the day cost ?15.00 and include the play, tea & coffee. On booking, food orders can be placed or you may prefer to bring your own refreshment. For more information and to book - Tel: Jean on 01403 273754. Also see: and to Transitus as details become available. Venue: Sedgwick Park House, Nuthurst, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6QQ
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