Tuesday, December 27, 2011

NASA To Investigate Mysterious 'Space Ball'

Created in the LEGO experiment at CERN in Denmark, it traveled through the political hole neutrino tunnel dug by the Italian education minister. It popped out of the other end of the tunnel in Namibia an exclaimed, "I knew I should have taken that left turn at Los Alamos in Albuquerque!" Theoretical mathematically inclined experimentally minded Gedanken physicists quickly solved the observed event by slapping a few new dimensions that we can't observe onto the creaking load in Grandma 's basket of string theories model.

Schr?dinger's cat may or may not have been involved, and law enforcement sources will only state that they are in the state of considering the wacky cat as a "feline of interest" at the moment, as observed from their event horizon.

Meanwhile, an enraged God crawled out of the sea at Tokyo and is smashing the paper skyscrapers in the city, whilst searching for His particle. It seems that He wants it back. Japanese defense forces are deploying ludicrously tiny plastic models with firecrackers attached to their canons, in an effort to force God to get His hairy ass out of their city.

A military spokesmen stated that they were trying to taunt God into making a mistake, but weren't sure yet what that mistake could be.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/ZTFtwxMreU4/nasa-to-investigate-mysterious-space-ball

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