Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Warning Signs of A Heart Disease | Healthcare, Fitness, Nutrition ...

6 Surprising Warning Signs for Heart Disease

Mar 31, 2013

Heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases are terms used to describe a range of diseases that affect the heart. Different diseases are part of the cardiovascular diseases include those of the blood vessels such as coronary heart disease, heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias), infection of the heart and cardiac defects. Cardiovascular diseases generally refer to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can cause heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke. Other cardiac conditions such as infections and diseases affecting the heart muscle, valves or heart rate are considered forms of heart disease. Many forms of heart disease can be prevented or treated through a healthy lifestyle.


High blood pressure, stress and diabetes are the most common signs that can alert a person to have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. There are other signs that most people are not aware of, such as hair loss or erectile dysfunction.

1. Sexual dysfunction. Heart disease may be the last thing you can think when you are in an intimate moment, but these issues could be a concern for the heart and sexual health. Though sexual dysfunction in men and women differs, their relation with cardiovascular disease is the same: when blood vessels do not function optimally, sexual problems can occur. If you have a circulatory dysfunction in a particular area, this may be reflected in other parts of the body.

- What to do ? treat both problems. With appropriate medical treatment and changes involving a healthy lifestyle, both sexual dysfunction and heart disease can be avoided. Experts recommend regular exercise and a discussion with the doctor about using a daily aspirin to solve both problems including the one related to cardiovascular health.

2. Baldness in men. Hair loss is more than just a cosmetic problem, it can mean poor blood circulation as a correlation between cardiovascular disease and the presence of hair loss, proven in studies. Poor blood supply to hair follicles can mean a poor circulation of blood to the heart, although other factors may play an important role in this connection. Some men who suffer from balding smoke have a high blood pressure or have a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease.

Knowing your family history of baldness and heart disease can help you evaluate your own risk. If they are found inside the family you have a reason to do everything possible to prevent hypertension and high cholesterol values and avoid or stop smoking.

3. Snoring and sleep apnea. A study confirmed that there is a high risk of cardiovascular disease in people who have obstructed airways and suffer from sleep apnea or snoring. Disturbed sleep may predispose to the onset of hypertension and diabetes, both contributing to heart disease.

- What to do ? prevent the problems that might occur. The good news is that these warning signals will provide enough time to take action. Sleep disorders due to breathing problems usually occur decades before being diagnosed and before the appearance of other warning signs of this cardiovascular disease. If you have these symptoms during the night, ask your doctor what tests to do to improve quality of sleep and thus your life

4. Migraine. Headaches can cause heart pain. Women experiencing headaches, blurred vision or sense at least once or twice a month are prone to developing cardiovascular disease. If the vascular anomaly is present in a certain area of the body it is likely to assume the existence of another.

- What to do ? talk to your doctor about migraine and try to discover if you have circulatory problems and if they have other consequences on your health.

5. Eating and drinking from plastic containers. Throw away the plastic bottles. According to studies bisphenol A (BPA) found in plastic food containers composition can produce a molecule that mimics estrogen similar to its effects and triggers an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in women. BPA could cause too much estrogen or could block its benefic effects.

- What to do ? Replace plastic food containers and water bottles that are likely to contain BPA with stainless steel, glass, ceramic or other materials. If you are not ready to give up plastic dishes, avoid warming them up as this process may cause infiltration of chemicals in the food composition.

6. Marital stress. Frequent existing quarrels in a relationship may increase the risk of heart disease. The results of a study showed that women suffering from marital stress have an increased risk of manifesting symptoms of cardiovascular disease. Hormonal differences and how people perceive stress may explain why men are not affected the same. The hearts of women are different from men in terms of circulation and reception of some hormones.

- What to do ? Take a deep breath. Stress can cause hypertension, cardiovascular problems and depression. Experts suggest people with difficulties in controlling stress to seek help to overcome this problem. People respond differently to stress, but there are ways to limit stress and change its perception. For this purpose you can do yoga, regular exercise and meditation.

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Source: http://healthdefine.com/medical-advice/6-surprising-warning-signs-for-heart-disease

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